To support the 6th District Commanding Officer’s commitment to family and "taking care of our own", the Unit Personal & Family Readiness Program (UPFRP) provides information to the Marine recruiters, support personnel, and their families from the time they are assigned to 6th District to the end of their tour.
The Unit Personal & Family Readiness Program
Communication: Utilizing email and social media, the UPFRP provides direct communication to Marines and families and serves as a conduit for communication back to the Command regarding issues and concerns within the District.
Information & Referral: With the support of Family Readiness Volunteers, UPFRP provides proactive and reactive resource information to overcome challenges and to achieve personal and professional goals.
Volunteer Program: A solid Personal & Family Readiness Program benefits from a dedicated group of volunteers who share their knowledge and skills with those around them. Reach out to your DRC/URC for the training and to see how you can help build a sense of family around you.
Personal and Professional Development: Marine Corps Recruiting Command provides free access to trainers who can provide in-person and/or virtual workshops on various personal and professional topics. Contact the DRC for a listing of trainings and details.
Personal and Family Readiness Trainings
Basic Recruiter's Course Marine Brief (in-person)
Basic Recruiter's Course Marine and Family Orientation Night (virtual)
Personal and Family Readiness Portion RS's Proficiency and Review Training (ask RS)
District Spouse Orientation Course (in-person)
Family Readiness Volunteer Training (virtual and in-person)
Command Spouse Leadership Course (virtual and in-person)
6th District UPFRP Support Personnel
District Readiness Coordinator (DRC): Provides training, resources, communication to and from District Command, Exceptional Family Member support, and TRICARE support for families.
Uniformed Readiness Coordinators (URC): Marines at the RS who provide RS family readiness volunteer opportunities, unit event details, resources, and communication to and from the RS Command.
Chaplain: Provides confidential support (does not have duty to warn or mandatory reporting requirements).
Single Marine Program (SMP) Representative: Provides resources and opportunities available to the single Marines within the District.
State Military and Family Life Counselors (MFLC): Provide short-term non-medical counseling virtually and over the phone. The MFLC's also provide a variety of virtual presentations which can be requested by Marines or spouses.
RS Family Readiness Volunteers: Appointed volunteers are needed! Contact the DRC or your URC for details.
Christy Brown
6th Marine Corps District's District Readiness Coordinator
Office Number: (843) 228-3207
Cell Number: (843) 441-6364
CDR David T. Nelson, Jr.
6th Marine Corps District Chaplain
Cpl Tania Bryant
SMP Representative
State Military and Family Life Counselors (MFLCs)
Counseling: Confidential counseling is available Marines and their dependents. MFLCs provide support to individuals, couples, families and groups for a range of challenges including, but not limited to, relocation adjustment, separation, anger management, conflict resolution, parenting, parent-child communication, relationship and family issues, coping skills, homesickness, and grief and loss. Domestic abuse, child abuse or neglect, potential harm to self and others, and other duty-to-warn situations must be reported to Family Advocacy Program.
The presentations, in most cases, are provided virtually. The MFLC’s have the virtual platform. Presentations can be requested by Marines for their RS or RSS. Presentations can also be requested by spouses. Even though the presentations are virtual, the MFLC can only provide presentations to Marines and families who are physically in their state.
Call the MFLC provider in your state for counseling or presentation support. Of note, the MFLC is only able to provide counseling and presentations to those who are physically in the state in which they are licensed.
Alabama (334) 796-9946
Florida (850) 461-5989
Georgia (229) 778-1538
Louisiana (228) 313-7205
Mississippi (601) 520-6457
North Carolina (252) 269-1953
Puerto Rico (787) 463-1819
South Carolina (843) 929-2251
Virgin Islands (571) 519-9643
Recruiting Station Uniform Readiness Coordinator (URC)
Contact Information
SSgt Carlos Ortiz IV
Gov Cell: (843) 298-1944
PAC Complaint Flow Chart:
How to Report a PAC Complaint:
- Chain of Command - The Chain of Command is the primary and preferred channel to prevent and respond to complaints of PAC using NAVMC 11512. Use of the chain of command to address PAC exemplifies trust in leadership to quickly and effectively address violations of our standards.
- Equal Opportunity Representative (EOR) - The EOR is an authorized source within the command to receive complaints on behalf of the commander. EORs are appointed by their command.
- Equal Opportunity Advisor (EOA) - EOAs are the Marine Corps SMEs on command climate and PAC. EOAs are assigned by DC M&RA.
- The Primary Avenue to report anonymously is through: Naval Criminal Investigative Service Report a Crime Portal -
- If the commanding officer is suspected or alleged to have violated the PAC order, report the offence via NAVMC 11512 to any superior officer in the chain of command.
- MPE Advice Line (844) 818-1674
Military Equal Opportunity Program (MEO)
- The MEO Program is a function of command.
- Hold each other accountable and address violations at the lowest level.
- Prohibited Activities in MCO 5354.1F are counterproductive, unacceptable, and intolerable.
- MEO Program is used to maintain a culture of dignity, care, and concern for Military Members.
Prohibited Activities and Conduct (PAC)
- Harassment (Sexual Harassment, Bullying, Hazing and Stalking)
- Prohibited Discrimination
- Dissident and Protest Activity
- Wrongful Distribution or Broadcasting of an Intimate Image
- Retaliatory Actions
NAVMC 11512: